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Recommended: Use of preconfigured microSD Card image

1. Download the file image here, unzip it and use Etcher to copy it to your microSD card.
2. After the process is complete, the bcMeter with the newly written microSD-Card is creating a WiFi named "bcMeter" after approx. 2 Minutes. Log into the Wifi with Password bcMeterbcMeter Then you can setup the device by accessing it in a Browser by address http://bcmeter.local by default.

Advanced: Manual headless Set Up the microSD Card

Only continue if you really need and want to setup the system manually! === Download Image ===

Use the Raspberry Imager tool to write Raspberry OS LITE (very important - not Desktop!) to your card. Configure the tool to work with username pi and choose any password.

Enable SSH and WiFi in the tool.

After finishing, eject the microSD Card from the PC and put it into the Raspberry Pi.

Configuring the Raspberry Pi to be a bcMeter via SSH remote access and WiFi

Put microSD-Card in Raspberry and boot it up (takes up to a minute)

Log into the raspberry via terminal on Linux/OSX

     ssh pi@raspberrypi 

or alternatively if connection is refused

     ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

Or any terminal client on Windows (for example Putty) with the following default credentials

address: raspberrypi

login name: pi

login passwort: raspberry (or whatever you chose)

(For some mobile hotspots it is required to add .local to the hostname (e.g. raspberryp.local). Try this first if no connection is possible.)

5. Being logged in, enter

      wget -N && sudo bash